Main | First day in Shanghai »

Just set off...

This is the first blog entry for my trip to Asia, and my first serious blog entry ever. If you don't already know, this blog is to document my trip to Asia from June 1st, 2007 to August 23rd, 2007. I will be going on the trip with Brad Woods, a good friend of mine from residence at Waterloo. He'll be around for the first three weeks, after which we'll split off as I go into Vietnam.

I'd just like to thank my friend Jason Shim for setting up this blog for me. He's been going on about these "blogs" and how they're all the rave these days, but this is the first time I've actually maintained one properly. Maybe after the trip I'll angstily blog about how life is so hard and take vain photos of myself. Thanks Jay. =)

Today we took off from Pearson International Aiport in Toronto and landed in Chicago before our transfer to Shanghai. In Chicago, we met a couple of interesting Americans, who had the low-down on China.

One of the guys was from Indiana, and had some info to prepare us for the size of the population. He said: "Git ready fer a billion kazillion people, 'cuz it is crowded." When it came to scoop on the female population, he remarked: "There must be a billion perfect little butts over there." The comments went really well with his cowboy accent, it was great.

On the way to Shanghai, much like my trip to Japan, I took advantage of the rare opportunity to mix free drinks with high altitude. I ended up wasted, talked nonsense to the guy from the destination country, and passed out for most of the flight. Another great flight, sucks to all of you who can't sleep on a plane, ha! =)


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Comments (4)

Great stuff Neil. Absolutely fantastic.

Enjoy every minute of it, but follow just one rule. If you feel at all uncomfortable get out of the situation and make yourself safe. You are your own boss on this trip. Trust me, it is so easy to make a wrong decision when you are traveling, especially when you are tired, hungry etc. I remember when I arrived in Prague, Croatia and I accepted a lift from the hostel host - or at least that is what he said, but let me tell you, I s**t myself when the doors of his car locked shut and I was stuck. He could have easily driven me to an abandon warehouse and who knows what. This guy was cool though, but I made the wrong decision.

I'll be following your posts and pictures (use flickr by the way - all the way Neil. Your experience will become mine, so make sure they are great looking ;o)

Later cousin,



You guys are spliting up? Where is Brad going? Are you meeting up with other ppl or going solo the rest of the trip?

Where are the picturesss =(

Haha I bet I'm the only one who's reading your blog.


I thought us Asians had no asses...but I'll try to appreciate the otherwise crass comments spoken by Mr. American Cowboy. ;)

and yeah, listen to Marty...

your Mum:

haven't stopped trembling since you left!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 1, 2007 8:00 AM.

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