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First day in Shanghai

So we have just arrived in Shanghai, and my usual complimentary-international-flight-wine-induced headache has fortunately passed. As Brad and I left the plane, we noticed how China isn't that hot right now, but I guess the worst of the heat is bound to come soon.

I've been told that a lot of people in Shanghai actually do speak English. I guess this was a relative term, based on the fact that nobody else in the country speaks English. Finding our way out of the airport was the first of many challenges that day, the next being the subway. Shanghai is so crowded, and you can see this from the way people ram themselves into subway cars.

[More to come soon, I have to catch a train to Wuhan right now, and I'm three days behind in entries!]


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Comments (2)

I've taught a number of people from Wuhan Local Government. I should let them know you are coming. They would probably treat you like a Chinese Emperor and present you with the finest of wine and food. Great people.



I remember Shanghai being completely mad...we were then in February and it was pretty wet. The rain brought out the umbrella wielding maniac in everyone and I recall getting prodded and poked quite a few times as people barged their way through.

You'll have an amazing time in China though. I'd love to go back...hopefully you've caught it at a less busy time of year...like most places it is at its best when there are less tourists.

Keep us posted...Paul.

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